GRADING POLICY – Students who are scheduled for lessons will receive a letter grade each trimester. This grade is based on CONCERT ATTENDANCE, REHEARSAL PARTICIPATION, PRACTICE LOGS and BASIC MUSICAL COMPETENCY. Students must be in good academic standing in all classes in order to be a member of the Instrumental Program. Any student that does not meet these requirements will be notified by the director and may be removed from the program. Any student that is retained from one academic year to another will not be eligible to participate in the Instrumental Program until sufficient academic progress can be demonstrated.
During those grading semesters in which there are no performances, the grade will be solely based on “Rehearsal Participation” (25%) “Practice Recordings” (25%) and “Basic Musical Knowledge” (50%).
During those grading semesters in which there are no performances, the grade will be solely based on “Rehearsal Participation” (25%) “Practice Recordings” (25%) and “Basic Musical Knowledge” (50%).
Throughout the year each student will be given opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of basic music theory covering the most essential information a musician should know in order to be successful in a middle school instrumental program. To help ensure proficiency on their instrument, it is required for students in grades 5, 6 and 7 to purchase a music book. All books are available through the local music store or Mr. Fulks.
Every student will be tested on a predetermined excerpt chosen from the Concert Band literature or Lesson Book material. The specific excerpt will be announced in advance, as well as practicing suggestions to help each student achieve success.
Throughout the year each student will be given opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of basic music theory covering the most essential information a musician should know in order to be successful in a middle school instrumental program. To help ensure proficiency on their instrument, it is required for students in grades 5, 6 and 7 to purchase a music book. All books are available through the local music store or Mr. Fulks.
Every student will be tested on a predetermined excerpt chosen from the Concert Band literature or Lesson Book material. The specific excerpt will be announced in advance, as well as practicing suggestions to help each student achieve success.
A student’s positive contribution to the rehearsal, preparedness (i.e. a pencil, music, instrument, sitting in the correct position), participation in class discussions, general conduct, effort, punctuality, and attentiveness will contribute toward a distinct portion of the quarterly grade.
All instrumental students are required to attend all in school rehearsals and lessons. If a student does not attend a rehearsal or performance due to disciplinary actions (Office, Suspension, other), no credit will be given for the missed class. It is understood that a student absent from school will not be penalized. (See above for exceptions) If a class needs to be missed due to other circumstances, field trips, Academic bowl, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, etc., it is the student's responsibility to notify the director in advance.
A student’s positive contribution to the rehearsal, preparedness (i.e. a pencil, music, instrument, sitting in the correct position), participation in class discussions, general conduct, effort, punctuality, and attentiveness will contribute toward a distinct portion of the quarterly grade.
All instrumental students are required to attend all in school rehearsals and lessons. If a student does not attend a rehearsal or performance due to disciplinary actions (Office, Suspension, other), no credit will be given for the missed class. It is understood that a student absent from school will not be penalized. (See above for exceptions) If a class needs to be missed due to other circumstances, field trips, Academic bowl, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, etc., it is the student's responsibility to notify the director in advance.
- Students must be seated and ready to play 5 minutes after the start of class.
- All talking should be confined to asking the director questions pertaining to the music being rehearsed.
- It is expected that all students take home their instruments to practice.
No instruments will be left in the school over the weekend.
- Instruments should be stored in the band room during the school day. There are lockers in the band room for this purpose. Do not leave instrument in your homeroom.
- Students are expected to come to rehearsals and performances prepared with all necessary items (instrument, music, pencil, reeds, etc.).
- Discipline Guidelines should be followed at all times.
Attendance at all performances is required. A student must participate in every concert for a given term in order to receive concert attendance credit.
Unforeseen situations may arise, and depending upon the extenuating circumstances, these types of absences from a performance may be excused. The merits of these unique situations will be considered on an individual basis. Occasionally, a distinct conflict arises between an important prior commitment, and a scheduled concert date. Such a conflict should be brought to the attention of the director when the concert dates are announced. The merits of these kinds of absences will also be considered on an individual basis. A student will not be allowed to perform if Suspended one week prior to a performance. No credit or make up privileges will be permitted.
The opportunity to perform for a public audience is an integral part of our instrumental music curriculum. However, this kind of public performance cannot be taught, provided, or experienced during the regular school day. Nor can the experience of an instrumental performance be effectively re-created at a future time. Many elements of a live performance such as managing a group's blend and balance, adjusting to unique acoustics, and the spontaneous adaptation to interpretive nuance, can only be fully learned by participating in live performances.
Musicians learn to perform by performing. When a student misses a performance, something quite significant has been left unlearned. It seems unfair to award credit for a requirement that has not been fulfilled. Considering that 25% of the Concert Band grade for each quarter is based on concert attendance, such credit must be earned.
Attendance at all performances is required. A student must participate in every concert for a given term in order to receive concert attendance credit.
Unforeseen situations may arise, and depending upon the extenuating circumstances, these types of absences from a performance may be excused. The merits of these unique situations will be considered on an individual basis. Occasionally, a distinct conflict arises between an important prior commitment, and a scheduled concert date. Such a conflict should be brought to the attention of the director when the concert dates are announced. The merits of these kinds of absences will also be considered on an individual basis. A student will not be allowed to perform if Suspended one week prior to a performance. No credit or make up privileges will be permitted.
The opportunity to perform for a public audience is an integral part of our instrumental music curriculum. However, this kind of public performance cannot be taught, provided, or experienced during the regular school day. Nor can the experience of an instrumental performance be effectively re-created at a future time. Many elements of a live performance such as managing a group's blend and balance, adjusting to unique acoustics, and the spontaneous adaptation to interpretive nuance, can only be fully learned by participating in live performances.
Musicians learn to perform by performing. When a student misses a performance, something quite significant has been left unlearned. It seems unfair to award credit for a requirement that has not been fulfilled. Considering that 25% of the Concert Band grade for each quarter is based on concert attendance, such credit must be earned.
6:30 PM REPORT TIME - Students are required to arrive at this time.
6:30 PM DOOR TIME - The doors will open for the audience at this time.
7:00 PM START TIME – Concert Begins
Please make arrangements for your child to attend all required performances. All conflicts need to be brought to the director’s attention in writing when dates are announced. Your child’s attendance affects the entire ensemble.
Along with sounding professional, a group’s performance is also enhanced by its appearance.
At the director’s discretion, a performer who is dressed inappropriately may be excluded from a performance.
Girls: Black pants or black knee-length or full-length skirt; white shirt, blouse or sweater; black shoes.
Boys: Black pants; collared white shirt (dress shirts or golf shirts); Black shoes and socks.
Optional - Necktie & Dark colored sport coat.
6:30 PM REPORT TIME - Students are required to arrive at this time.
6:30 PM DOOR TIME - The doors will open for the audience at this time.
7:00 PM START TIME – Concert Begins
Please make arrangements for your child to attend all required performances. All conflicts need to be brought to the director’s attention in writing when dates are announced. Your child’s attendance affects the entire ensemble.
Along with sounding professional, a group’s performance is also enhanced by its appearance.
At the director’s discretion, a performer who is dressed inappropriately may be excluded from a performance.
Girls: Black pants or black knee-length or full-length skirt; white shirt, blouse or sweater; black shoes.
Boys: Black pants; collared white shirt (dress shirts or golf shirts); Black shoes and socks.
Optional - Necktie & Dark colored sport coat.
The purpose of the practice recordings is to help develop a practice schedule or routine for each student. Each student must practice for 90-120 minutes a week. This averages out to about 30 minutes every other day, or roughly 20 minutes every day with one day off. Once practicing becomes routine, it will be more enjoyable. The practice recordings help the director develop an individualized educational plan for each student based on their needs.
All children do not start at the same level nor do all children progress at the same speed. Every student is expected to improve. Your child’s progress should be noticeable at home as well as in school. All students will experience some difficulties along the way which is normal. The best we can do for our children is to encourage them to persevere and work toward their goals.
Experts agree that one of the most important aspects of education is the involvement of the parents and the child’s perception of the value placed on it by the parents. I encourage you to sit with your child at least once every week or two so you are better able to judge the progress being made.
The purpose of the practice recordings is to help develop a practice schedule or routine for each student. Each student must practice for 90-120 minutes a week. This averages out to about 30 minutes every other day, or roughly 20 minutes every day with one day off. Once practicing becomes routine, it will be more enjoyable. The practice recordings help the director develop an individualized educational plan for each student based on their needs.
All children do not start at the same level nor do all children progress at the same speed. Every student is expected to improve. Your child’s progress should be noticeable at home as well as in school. All students will experience some difficulties along the way which is normal. The best we can do for our children is to encourage them to persevere and work toward their goals.
Experts agree that one of the most important aspects of education is the involvement of the parents and the child’s perception of the value placed on it by the parents. I encourage you to sit with your child at least once every week or two so you are better able to judge the progress being made.
The Tenney Grammar School Instrumental Program has the following instruments available for use during the school year:
Bass Clarinets, Tenor Saxophones, Baritone Saxophone, Trombones (limited amount), Euphoniums, Tuba & Keyboard Percussion)
1. We Respect Each Other
2. We try Our Best
3. We are a Team
4. We Learn From Our Mistakes
5. We Create
6. We Celebrate Each Other's Success
1. Verbal Praise
2. Classroom recognition
3. Parent & Office Communication
4. Additional classroom responsibilities
5. Student Choice Award (long term behavior award)
1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Assignment
3. Detention/Phone call home
4. If more than 2 detentions occur in any trimester, the parents and Principal will be notified and a parent conference will take place to determine a behavior plan.
5. **Severe Clause – Escorted to the Office** (Student will not return to class without a parent conference)
The Tenney Grammar School Instrumental Program has the following instruments available for use during the school year:
Bass Clarinets, Tenor Saxophones, Baritone Saxophone, Trombones (limited amount), Euphoniums, Tuba & Keyboard Percussion)
- A student must first demonstrate successful performance and care with their primary instrument before being considered for a school loaned instrument. This is left up to the discretion of the Director.
- Both the student and parents/guardian must sign an Instrument Sign-Out Form and return to the Director.
- At this time the student will receive the instrument. Once a student receives an instrument, they are responsible for its care and return.
- The borrower will keep the instrument that was issued to them in good playing condition at all times. The borrower of the instrument will pay for major repairs caused by the borrower’s negligence.
- The instrument must be returned immediately upon request by the Director.
1. We Respect Each Other
2. We try Our Best
3. We are a Team
4. We Learn From Our Mistakes
5. We Create
6. We Celebrate Each Other's Success
1. Verbal Praise
2. Classroom recognition
3. Parent & Office Communication
4. Additional classroom responsibilities
5. Student Choice Award (long term behavior award)
1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Assignment
3. Detention/Phone call home
4. If more than 2 detentions occur in any trimester, the parents and Principal will be notified and a parent conference will take place to determine a behavior plan.
5. **Severe Clause – Escorted to the Office** (Student will not return to class without a parent conference)